ABOUT Helena

Hello and welcome to my portfolio! My name’s Helena and I’m a rising senior at Southern Methodist University’s Temerlin Advertising Institute. If all goes well, I will be graduating in May of 2025 with a BA in Advertising with a Creative Specialization, and minoring in Graphic Design.

Now that the formalities are out of the way, let’s get into the juicy stuff. I feel as though the best way to REALLY get to know me is through some very important fun facts:

  1. I am PETRIFIED of fish. I cannot eat anything that comes from the sea due to this irrational fear… I swear they are sea aliens.

  2. My ringtone has been “Six Figures” by Justin Roberts since 2019. I will never change it.

  3. I have really good stories. Just ask me about the one time I had to ship my car from Dallas to NY…

  4. I am a HUGE dill pickle lover. Bread and butter pickles are NOT pickles.

  5. I am extremely talkative. Don’t believe me? Just look at my high school senior superlative.

  6. According to my 5th grade teacher, I smile too much.

  7. I like to wrap presents to look like something completely different than what the gift actually is.

  8. I grew half an inch at 21 years old (I am really proud of this one).

  9. I prefer to sit on my feet.

  10. I climb like a monkey. This comes in handy when I forget my apartment key and need to climb two stories to break into my own home.

I hope these facts give you a better sense of the kind of person I am. I am just your average joe with a wildly creative side. While art direction is my passion, I also dabble in copywriting. After wrapping up my last year of college, I plan on moving back home to New York; however, if an opportunity that I cannot pass on comes across my lap, I will chase it. Advertising is a profound passion of mine that pushes me to think deeper, feel harder, take risks, learn from my mistakes, and embrace change with open arms. If you like what you’re reading, feel free to connect with me on my socials down below!